An Environmental Impact Assessment, otherwise called an EIA, is a planning tool that promotes environmentally sound development practices. It examines both the adverse and beneficial environmental consequences of a project design on human health and the natural and cultural environment, and ensures the development of mitigative measures to address these consequences during project development.
An EIA uses the preventative approach versus the reactive approach and also considers alternative project designs; that is why it is so important for project developers to contact the Department of the Environment to begin the process before carrying out any construction activities.
The environmental legislation of Belize requires that any project or activity which may have significant impact on the environment may be required to carry out an EIA and following the rules as set out in the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations and its Amendment of 2007.
Below are the EIAs that have been submitted to the Department of the Environment since 2010 and either have gone through or are going through the Environmental Impact Assessment Process.